Heroes in the Moonlight Page 21
“Hey hey, this is no joke. Gather behind you? They’re coming up the stairs as well! At this rate, we’ll be sandwiched in!” Hiroaki watched the assailants rapidly approaching from below in a panic, then searched his surroundings for an escape. However, there was only one staircase connecting the upper and lower floors, and the area near the upper floor door was filled with awaiting assailants.
There was nowhere to run — they could only wait for the knights to repel the attackers. However, the attackers seemed to have simulated the attack in advance, as there was no hesitation in their movements and each one of them moved with quite a bit of finesse.
While the knights were winning in numbers, the upper floor’s forces were evenly matched.
Meanwhile, the knights squeezing through the crowds on the first floor attempted to block the advancement of the attackers, but as the attackers were a group of around twenty, there was nothing one or two knights could do.
The knights were moving at their own discretion due to their high skill levels as individuals, but that was what was currently ruining them. There were more knights than attackers on the first floor, but as they were scattered all over the large hall, they were being outnumbered in a focused area.
The attackers wielded daggers with the intention of killing, the knights had clubs with no intention of killing, but there wasn’t much difference in arms. However, the attackers coordinated together to take on each lone knight, so the first floor knights were being held back. At this rate, it was only a matter of time before they ran up the stairs.
This doesn’t look like a good situation. The knights are starting to gather at the foot of the staircase, but there’s still too few of them. They’ll come up the stairs like this. Rio looked downstairs and processed the situation calmly, before looking at the fight taking place on the upper floor once again. The knights on their side seemed to be managing to repel the attackers, so they weren’t going to break through soon.
“Wh...” Miharu and Satsuki were frozen in fear. It was probably their first time seeing a battle take place in the flesh, so it was no wonder they were overwhelmed by what was happening.
“Satsuki, stay here with Princess Charlotte. Don’t move from here, either, Miharu. I am going to stop their invasion from below,” Rio said, having assessed the situation in mere seconds.
Aishia, can you check what’s happening on the upper floor in your spirit form?
Got it, Aishia replied immediately. At the same time, Rio ran for the staircase.
“Wai— Haruto?!” Satsuki saw Rio heading for the staircase and called after him in a panic. She reflexively tried to follow him. But Charlotte grabbed Satsuki’s dress first.
“Lady Satsuki, there’s nothing you can do dressed like that. Please follow Sir Haruto’s directions. It would be terrible for the kingdom if something happened to you, the hero.” Charlotte said, persuading Satsuki to stop. Her tone was more serious than usual, showing a glimpse of her sense of duty as a royal.
“Ugh...” Satsuki grinded her teeth in frustration.
“It’s okay. Haruto is strong. Please believe in him.” Miharu ran over to Satsuki and joined in persuading her. However, her hand that grasped Satsuki’s dress was trembling slightly.
“Argh, fine! Whatever!” Satsuki accepted in frustration, but remained where she was. Takahisa came running after Miharu in a panic, bringing along Lilianna and her three knight guards.
“M-Miharu, don’t move on your own,” Takahisa said with a slightly flustered look.
“Hilda, if worst comes to worst, use your wall magic at your own discretion to protect us and the other heroes,” Lilianna ordered one of the female knights. The upper floor of the hall had over thirty people present, but it would have been impossible to create a magic wall for them all with just the three of them. Thus, they had to limit the number of targets to protect.
However, even then, there were still slightly greater numbers than would be feasible.
Hilda paused for a brief moment before agreeing. “...Understood. I shall see it through.”
“Tch, they’re coming up the stairs!” Hiroaki yelled. Six knights had gone around the front of the stairs, but fourteen assailants had reached the stairs. They probably wouldn’t be able to fend them off.
“Everyone downstairs! I shall assist you, so feel free to let through any opponents you cannot handle. Augendae Corporis!” Rio took up position halfway down the stairs and called out to the knights below. Then he chanted the spell to activate the bracelet containing physical strengthening sorcery. However, that was simply camouflage that he canceled as soon as it activated, as he instead strengthened his body with spirit arts.
“Ah, the rumored hero. That’s some confidence, but we’ll take your word for it! You lot, don’t die pushing yourselves! Only take on as many as you can handle!” The highest ranked knight by the stairs ordered the other knights.
If they died for nothing, they’d simply be shifting the burden onto someone else. The fact he didn’t tell them to try dying was proof he had a rational head on his shoulders.
“Yes, sir!” The other knights each readied their weapons and clashed with the attackers at the bottom of the staircase.
“Six of you, hold them off!” Six of the assailants moved towards the knights at the foot of the staircase, while the other eight all ran up the stairs. Rio stood in their way.
“Allow me to assist in what little way I can. This should reduce the numbers a bit. Don’t move!” Shigekura Rui took his divine bow in hand and stood on the stairs behind Rio. He pulled his bow ready, took aim, and fired a lightning arrow.
The lightning arrow pierced through one of the attackers in the back. “Guah?!” He was sent flying, a tremendous electric current running through his body, instantly rendering him incapable of fighting.
Rui proceeded to fire one more arrow and pierced through another assailant. But, at that point, the attackers had already drawn near Rio, and the battle on the staircase was getting messy. Determining that the shot would be reckless, he lowered his bow.
“...I leave the rest to you!” Rui yelled, retreating back.
“Understood,” Rio replied, then charged down the stairs. He used the downwards momentum to close in on the attacker in the lead.
“Hah, ah... Guh?!” The attacker reacted to Rio’s movements and thrust out his dagger. However, Rio skillfully avoided the knife-wielding hand and flung the dagger into the distance. Then, he landed his bare fist into the solar plexus of the enemy, knocking him unconscious.
That’s one. Rio looked around at the attackers warily. Then, for one brief instant, the attackers movements faltered. Rio aimed for that moment and closed in on them from a diagonal approach.
“Ah?!” One of the attackers sensed Rio’s advance and reflexively swung his dagger at his torso. However, Rio had read the path of trajectory and swiftly grabbed his hand, restraining it with a powerful knee to the stomach. The attacker’s yell sounded more like a gasp for air.
Two down. Rio closed in on an attacker that had been trying to run past him while he was occupied. He sent a sharp blow of his palm into their side.
“Gah?” The attacker’s body folded like a leaf, sending him crashing to the floor before another assailant trying to run up.
“Tch!” On the spur of the moment, the assailant leaped over the body of his ally. But in that time, Rio had already jumped with a running start, wrapped around ahead of the attacker, and aimed a kick at his face as he was about to land, pushing him back down the stairs. “...” The attacker’s mask crumbled as he rolled down the stairs, landing in complete silence.
And four. Two more to go, he counted calmly as he landed on the staircase.
“Ugh...” There were two attackers left. Having four of their comrades finished off in ten seconds made them come to a pause. They could sense that it would be impossible to force their way.
“Whoa...” Satsuki, who was watching Rio fight from the top of the s
tairs, found herself captivated by his tremendous fighting capability. The same went for Miharu, Flora, and Christina.
“The other knights have their hands full fighting one on one, and yet...” Charlotte watched Rio’s fight take place below with wide eyes.
“Archer!” The two assailants Rio was facing moved. One of them yelled loudly, charging towards Rio in a self-sacrificial move.
...Archer? Instantly, Rio felt suspicious. Neither of them had a bow equipped.
Was it a bluff? A hidden weapon? No... Did they mean Rui? Rio listed off a variety of possibilities as he braced himself, observing the attackers every move as they positioned themselves in a line.
“Ngh!” The assailant in the front charged with desperation, thrusting his dagger-wielding right hand forward. He wasn’t focusing on aiming anywhere — it was simply a thrust focusing on speed. Rio calmly parried the assailant’s hand holding the dagger. Or so he thought, when —
“Haaah!” Stab, stab, stab. The attacker attempted a rush attack of thrusts, in what was truly a desperate attack. However, Rio could see through all of it, accurately handling each attack.
The one at the back isn’t moving... If so, I’ll take care of this one first, Rio determined in an instant and shifted his body slightly to the side. The sharp thrust of the attacker sliced through the air a hair’s breadth away from Rio’s torso.
Rio proceeded to go around the attacker’s flank and used his left hand to snatch the dagger away. After cleanly toppling his opponent by kicking his feet out from under him, the attacker floated in the air for a moment. Then, Rio landed a sharp backhanded chop to the attacker’s abdomen.
“Gah...!” The assailant’s body hit the ground with great force, knocking him out with a groan.
“Photon Projectilis!” The other assailant waiting behind the first one read Rio’s movements and aimed his finger before chanting a spell.
Archer... so they meant a long-ranged attack. Rio held the dagger he stole from the attacker at the ready. In the next moment, several bullets of magic light came firing towards Rio.
“Hah!” Rio locked on all the flying bullets within his sight and poured magic essence into the dagger in his hand. He raised its strength with spirit arts, then swung it faster than the eye could see, mowing down the assailant’s bullets one after another, scattering them.
“Wha...?!” Both the attacker who fired the photon bullets and those who witnessed the scene were all rendered speechless. In the meantime, Rio simply adjusted his grip on the dagger to a backhanded one and charged at the frozen attacker.
“Guh...” Using the pommel of the dagger, he struck the attacker in the solar plexus. The attacker clutched his stomach as he collapsed.
As a result, the only one remaining conscious on the stairs was Rio.
Reinforcements came running downstairs, and they’ve captured all the attackers. As for above... Rio looked below and confirmed the six attackers at the foot of the stairs were being apprehended. Next, he moved to go upstairs.
Reinforcements came through the door. The fight upstairs is over, Aishia’s voice echoed in Rio’s head. Once he confirmed the battle was completely over, Rio decided to abide by the rules of the banquet and discarded the dagger in his hand, effectively laying down his arms. It fell to the floor with a clatter.
“Oooh!” The royalty and nobility in the hall who had been watching Rio cheered. Those cheers soon reached every end of the hall.
Goodness me, what a sight to behold, as always. I didn’t expect this many troops to stand any real chance, but he really took the spotlight. Reiss watched Rio with admiration from the crowd of guests taking refuge at the back of the first floor space.
“...Hey, Reiss.” Sylvie said.
“Oh? My name is Jean Bernard, Princess Sylvie.” Reiss shrugged his shoulders, grinning.
“The attack just now... don’t tell me...” Sylvie glared at Reiss with suspicion.
“Tell you what?” Reiss cocked his head nonchalantly.
“...I have something to discuss with you later. Don’t try and pull anything strange, got it?” Sylvie seemed to be aware of the people around her, as she threatened Reiss in a low voice.
“I’m not sure what you’ve misunderstood here, but are you suspecting me of doing something?” Reiss responded aloofly.
“Silence. If you did what I suspect you of doing, you may drag our kingdom down into an international dispute. You’re telling me everything later,” Sylvie pressed in a demanding tone.
“Well, I suppose I have borrowed your little sister as a sign of our friendship, after all. I could entertain you in some discussion as a return for that,” Reiss chuckled with a smirk.
“Oh my, how scary.” When the glare in Sylvie’s eyes intensified, Reiss gave a casual shrug.
Meanwhile, Francois was rushing the knights into transporting the unconscious assailants. He didn’t want them to be within view of the guests for too long. “Hurry it up. Find out who they are no matter what. Start the investigation inside the building too.”
The knights promptly dashed about the hall, carrying the apprehended and unconscious attackers outside.
After Francois had given out orders, he turned to Rio and Rui to thank them. “Haruto, you have done a great deed. Your ability to repel the attackers coming up from the stairs was truly splendid. Sir Rui, thank you for driving back the enemy too.”
“I simply fired two arrows. No matter what you think of it, Haruto contributed the most. In fact, I’m sure he would have managed perfectly fine without me,” Rui said, passing the achievement onto Rio.
“The guests will be on standby within the hall until we can confirm the area is secured. But I’d like to officially announce your meritorious deeds to raise morale. Will you cooperate with this?” Francois asked, cleverly wanting to put their military exploits to good use.
“Of course.” Rui and Rio agreed readily. Rio’s efforts by the staircase had been witnessed by all the nobles in the hall, and many of them also had seen Rui use his divine arms for a brief moment, too. It was the perfect morale booster.
As a result — on top of the fact that no one other than the assailants had been killed in the attack — Rio and Rui received an abundance of praise from the guests.
Exactly as planned. Now, to remove the evidence. Reiss looked up at Rio and Rui on the upper floor and casually reached into his breast pocket, crushing the small gems there. At the same time, the assailants that had been carried outside all began to writhe in pain, their bodies convulsing as they died. However, at that point, no one inside the venue was aware.
Afterward, the safety of the area around the venue was confirmed and the curtains closed on the second night of the banquet, with no official notice of the assailants’ deaths.
Epilogue: The Wandering Knight
The next morning, Rio was summoned to the audience room for a formal audience with King Francois. He had been called to formally receive a reward for his efforts in the banquet last night.
Presently, the audience room was packed with royalty and nobility. Among them were Miharu, Satsuki, and Liselotte, as well as the heroes and high ranking officials invited from other kingdoms.
Rui’s reward had been discussed and decided upon before Rio’s, so this audience was for Rio’s sake alone.
“Now, Haruto. You did us a tremendous deed last night. Unfortunately we do not have much time, so I shall get straight to business. This is about your reward.” Francois began, getting straight to the point.
“It is my greatest honor to receive your praise. However, as I acted to protect myself, I do not require any particular reward,” Rio declined with humility. He didn’t have anything he desired in particular, and, more importantly, feared he would be bestowed with a title that came with collateral duties. But as Rio refused the reward so readily, the audience hall stirred with noise.
“Now, do not trouble me so. It has been custom since ancient
times to reward great deeds accordingly. Not doing so would affect not only my honor as king, but the honor of the entire kingdom. Especially for someone who has achieved as many meritorious deeds as you,” Francois said with an uneven smile.
“But, Your Majesty...” Rio lowered his head, expressing his disagreement with reserve.
“How about it, Haruto? Would you reconsider your previous decision and serve this kingdom? We are prepared to treat you appropriately and promote you to a high-ranking knight.” As Rio expected, Francois offered a social position as a reward.
“...I am extremely delighted at the honor of receiving your favor. However, as I have informed Your Majesty already, I cannot remain fixed to one location. More than anything, a novice like me will only be inadequate in this great role. That is why, with all due respect...” Rio chose his words of refusal carefully, so as not to burn any bridges.
“Then, if I may ask, is there anything that you desire?”
“...Nothing in particular.”
“Hmph. At this point, I must say I respect your level of indifference. One would normally express some form of desire here. How difficult it is to reward a man with no desire for status or wealth.” Francois chuckled with stifled laughter. “However, this is precisely why I hold interest in you as a person. For you to have no desire for status — does this mean you are burdened by other bonds or responsibility? Let us hear your answer,” he said, staring at Rio.
“...Yes, Your Majesty,” Rio nodded.
“And may I ask for the reason why?” Francois questioned with interest.
“...I am not a man with a large enough caliber to live while burdened with bonds and responsibilities. That is why,” Rio stated his feelings honestly.
Francois hummed to himself and stared at Rio’s face for a moment. “I see... Then, I have decided. I shall grant you the title of an honorary knight.” The royalty and nobility in the audience room stirred noisily at his words.