Heroes in the Moonlight Read online

Page 9

“So that’s why he has a face similar to a Japanese person...” Satsuki accepted with interest.

  “If you search in the Strahl region, you’d be able to find people with similar faces with ancestors from Yagumo. Though they’re very few and far between,” said Miharu.

  “Huh, really... Oh, we went off topic. I don’t see any problem with telling other people this, though. Is there a reason why it’s a secret?” Satsuki asked curiously.

  “Umm, the part I’d like you to stay quiet about is yet to come... Can you promise me that you won’t tell anyone else?” Miharu asked Satsuki in return, her words a bit inarticulate.

  “...Yeah, I promise.” Satsuki nodded firmly with a serious expression.

  With a gentle, somewhat sad smile, Miharu began to speak. “The reason why Haruto’s done so much for us is because he’s kind. That’s the first and foremost reason. But it’s possible that the fact we’re Japanese also played a small role in that.”

  That’s right. Haruto — Haru-kun — he knew about me and Aki. He knew, yet he stayed quiet about it as he saved us. Miharu reflected on that truth in her heart anew.

  “...What do you mean?” Satsuki tilted her head dubiously.

  “Haruto has memories of his previous life. Memories of when he was a Japanese person...” Miharu stated clearly.

  “...I’m shocked,” Satsuki said after a long pause.

  “Is it unbelievable?” Miharu asked nervously.

  Satsuki sighed with a shrug. “If I was still in Japan, I might not have believed it. But right now, for some strange reason, I can accept it pretty easily... I’m here, in a world like this, after all. Is that what they call reincarnation? In other words, Haruto has memories of when he lived on Earth?”

  “Yes. It seemed like he was a university student in Japan.” Miharu nodded.

  “A Japanese university student, huh... Ah, then the magic artifact that allowed you to communicate was...” Satsuki recalled their earlier conversation with a gasp.

  “That was a lie to hide Haruto’s secret from the king. I’m sorry.” Miharu bowed her head apologetically.

  “No, it’s okay. Now that I know the situation, I understand. But... are you sure about this? Telling me his secret like this...” Satsuki asked Miharu hesitantly.

  “Yes, I’ve received permission from him, on the condition that you keep your silence.”

  “Even so, that’s quite a risky move if you want to keep it a secret. Of course I won’t tell anyone, but I don’t see how this benefits him in any way...”

  “It’s because I trust you, Satsuki. Because of that, Haruto is also willing to trust you. He said that he didn’t want us to lie to you, out of consideration for our relationship...” Miharu said with a warm expression.

  “Ah, I see. So that’s how it is. I think I understand why you trust him so much now. He’s a very sincere person, isn’t he? Okay, in that case... I’ll trust him too. I’ll have to thank him properly later, and I’d like to have a conversation with the three of us too.” Satsuki felt like she understood Rio a little more and felt deeply impressed.

  Argh! I’m so embarrassed for thinking he was shady! Satsuki scolded herself lightly.

  “You could just call Haruto to this room too,” Miharu suddenly said without much thought.

  “Oh, that’s a good idea.” Satsuki clapped her hands together.

  “Huh?” Miharu was taken aback.

  “Let’s go talk to the king,” Satsuki said, completely on board.

  “Talk? Right now?”

  “Yup. I’ll ask if it’s okay for you and Haruto to stay in my quarters tonight.” Satsuki gave a carefree smile, whereas her statement was definitely more than Miharu had expected.

  ◇ ◇ ◇

  Afterward, in the reception room where Rio was meeting with Francois...

  “By the way, Haruto. Would you be interested in being knighted for your service to our kingdom? For a swordsman of your caliber, I can guarantee a highway to success—what do you say to that?” Francois asked.

  “...My deepest apologies. It’s a very tempting offer for a migrant like me, and I do appreciate it, but...” Rio’s face stiffened a bit as he declined the offer. It was a direct offer from the king himself—the weight was different than if the offer was coming from a noble. While it wasn’t a formal approach, openly refusing was a fairly difficult action to take. Michel didn’t have a very happy look on his face.

  “Oh? Has Liselotte made a pass already, perhaps?” Francois asked curiously, not looking upset as he did so.

  One path to serve a regular noble daughter, another path to serve the kingdom — and the king himself — as a knight. For anyone with standard values as a noble, the latter would be the obvious choice. However, Liselotte being the noblewoman in question made it a different matter entirely. That was how much worth the name Liselotte Cretia, daughter of Duke Cretia, currently held.

  “I gave him an offer too, of course. But I have yet to receive a favorable response,” Liselotte added.

  “Is there a reason?” Francois asked Rio directly.

  “...I explained this to Lady Liselotte as well, but I am in the middle of a journey to find someone who had ties to my migrant parents. My journey is currently suspended in order to assist Miharu, but once this case is settled, I am thinking of resuming my travels around the world again.” Rio lowered his gaze as he answered, expressing his humility.

  “I see. Indeed, there are privileges to being knighted into nobility, but it comes at a cost of responsibility for the kingdom. You wouldn’t be able to travel at the drop of a hat...” Francois said thoughtfully, accepting his response.

  “Since that was the case, I’ve asked Sir Haruto to give us some consideration if he should ever find himself in need of permanent residence in the future,” Liselotte said, immediately playing up the relationship between herself and Rio.

  While it was Rio making the choice — and there was no guarantee the choice would be between these two options only — by stating that she had made such a comment to him already, she hoped she could soften the blow if Rio would choose her in the future. Even if the person she was up against was the king, having a person like Rio snatched away would be quite undesirable. There was nothing to lose by building the right foundations for the future.

  “I see you have covered all your bases, as usual,” Francois said, sensing the intentions behind Liselotte’s words.

  Well, it would be too harsh to say “give up” to you, I suppose. Although, I may have said it if it had been anyone other than Liselotte. The king grinned.

  At that very moment, someone knocked on the door to the reception room.

  “...Who is it?” With a pointed look, Francois directed an attendant waiting inside the room to go check the door. The attendant immediately stood up and walked over.

  “Lady Satsuki and Lady Miharu have returned.” The woman opened the door for the two of them and promptly showed them inside.

  “Ooh, Satsuki, Miharu. That was unexpectedly fast. Are you done with your talk?” Francois’ eyes widened at the sight of them.

  “Yes, we didn’t want to keep everyone waiting for too long, and I also had something I wanted to ask... Have you finished your discussions here?” Satsuki looked around at the peaceful atmosphere they had been chatting in.

  “Pretty much. He’s a wandering swordsman with an enchanted sword powerful enough to repel a demi-dragon’s breath. I came here today wondering what kind of ruffian he might be, but I was met by a well-educated man. An interesting fellow indeed. Now... what was it that you wanted to discuss?”

  “Ah... Umm, how should I put this? I have a request. But first, I was wondering what the plans are for Miharu and Haruto tonight,” said Satsuki.

  “Has anything been decided, Liselotte?” Francois asked, since she’d been the one to bring them here.

  “Liselotte...” Satsuki mumbled, looking at her curiously.

  “Ah, yes. You haven’t been introduced to Liselotte yet. Before ans
wering your question, you should be introduced.”

  “Much obliged, Your Majesty. It’s an honor to be meeting you, great hero. I am Duke Cretia’s oldest daughter, Liselotte. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” Liselotte put on a sociable smile and greeted her in a ladylike manner.

  “Yes, I’ve heard of you. As a woman, I have found the products of the Ricca Guild to be irreplaceable. I heard that you were a young noblewoman, but I didn’t imagine you would be like this...” Satsuki replied while staring at Liselotte’s face.

  “You may be pleased to know that Satsuki is tremendously fond of the products from the Ricca Guild,” Francois informed Liselotte with a good-natured smile.

  “Why, what an honor.” Liselotte grinned broadly.

  “I wasn’t able to explain earlier, but Liselotte is the one who actually brought us to the castle,” Miharu said to Satsuki, who was standing beside her. At a glance, it sounded like an explanation for Satsuki’s benefit, but it also functioned as an explanation for Liselotte as well. Liselotte had given Miharu permission to explain the secret behind the Ricca Guild’s products to Satsuki.

  The matter of whether Lady Satsuki has realized or not has been placed on hold. From the looks of things, it’s maybe a 50-50 shot that she has? Even if she’s realized it, there wouldn’t be much chance of her mentioning it to anyone, Liselotte thought, making a guess based on Miharu’s words just now and Satsuki’s appearance.

  “Why, is that true? Thank you, Liselotte.” Satsuki bowed elegantly.

  “No, it was my natural duty as a noble of the Galarc Kingdom, and I also had a debt to repay Sir Haruto... At any rate, please raise your head,” Liselotte said, bowing her head at Satsuki in return.

  “If possible, I’d love to speak to you sometime in the future too,” Satsuki said as she raised her head.

  “Gladly. I’ll be in the capital for the duration of the banquet, so please call on me anytime you find yourself idle,” Liselotte agreed with a friendly nod. Based on their positions, it was a difficult task for even a duke’s daughter like Liselotte to ask to meet Satsuki alone, but that wasn’t the case if Satsuki was the one inviting her.

  “Yes, I may contact you in the near future. I look forward to seeing you then.”

  “Yes, please. Oh, that’s right. You asked about Sir Haruto and Lady Miharu’s plans for tonight. The plan was for them to stay at my family’s home in preparation for the banquet. We didn’t make any other particular plans,” Liselotte answered Francois’ question smoothly.

  “Hmm. They were to attend the banquet by accompanying you, correct? If Miharu and Haruto are fine with it, I was going to invite them to join me for dinner... What was your request, Satsuki?” Francois asked.

  “The truth is, I was hoping Miharu and Haruto could stay in my quarters tonight,” Satsuki began.

  “Wha—?!” Michel gasped.

  “Miharu aside... Haruto too?” Francois asked Satsuki calmly.

  “Yes. Miharu is a given, but I’d like to have the time to talk to her savior, Haruto, too,” Satsuki explained confidently, nodding.

  “Hmm...” Francois hummed, thinking it over calmly.

  “What are you saying? Do you know what it means to have a man stay in the room of an unmarried woman like you?” Michel admonished Satsuki vehemently.

  “Oh, but Miharu will be staying as well. Anyway, her aside, Rio’ll be staying in a separate bedroom in my quarters. Just what exactly are you inferring from that?” Despite knowing the meaning behind Michel’s words, Satsuki pushed back with her logic.

  Miharu must have told her about the plan. While it certainly would be easier to sneak her out to the stone house if we stayed in her quarters... I can understand the prince’s objections, Rio surmised. In reality, Satsuki was just being extremely proactive. Miharu hadn’t mentioned they would take her out of the castle temporarily, which was a trivial misunderstanding.

  “Even so, there’s no need to talk in your room at night, is there?” Michel tried to argue back.

  “Oh? There are many things to talk about that aren’t just about us, so if we want to chat in a relaxed setting, I believe night time would be the best,” Satsuki said bluntly.


  “Enough, Michel.” Michel still wasn’t backing down, causing Francois to chide his son.

  “Father...” Michel grimaced.

  “There, there, Brother. Listen to what Father has to say first,” Charlotte said cheerily.

  “...What is your opinion, Father?” Michel asked with a sigh, seemingly calmed by his sister’s words.

  “Well, we have no right to restrain the hero’s personal life without a good reason. It would be one thing if she was to be alone with Haruto, but Miharu will be there too,” Francois said easily.

  “Guh...” Michel looked conflicted as he glared at Rio. Rio’s own opinion had not been asked for until now.

  Well, there is a gap in social status. I should stay quiet.

  If someone had asked him for his opinion, Rio would have no choice but to answer. The issue being discussed was of concern to him, but not enough for him to emphasize his own opinion and cause trouble. Despite noticing Michel’s gaze, he maintained his silence.

  “Do you have a complaint to voice?” Francois asked Michel.

  “No... If that’s what Father says.” Michel was unable to defy Francois, accepting his words reluctantly.

  “Thank you for your approval, King Francois.” With the conversation wrapped up, Satsuki thanked him before things could drift off track again.

  Francois shrugged and shook his head. “No need for that. But... let’s see. It doesn’t have to be an exchange, but how about having dinner tonight with everyone here? With the three of you, that is,” he said to Satsuki, Miharu, and Haruto.

  “Of course, I’d be happy to. Is that okay with you, Miharu and Haruto...?” Satsuki nodded in satisfaction, looking to them for confirmation.

  “Yes, I’m fine with it as long as Haruto is...” Miharu replied, passing the decision on to Rio.

  “...I’m sorry, Haruto. I went and made the assumption that you’d be fine with it, but of course you’re allowed to refuse,” Satsuki said, watching Rio’s expression as she apologized regretfully.

  “No, it’s not that I’m against it, it just feels like something far above myself...” Rio muttered his response with a troubled look. He couldn’t respond in any other way while he was before Francois and the others.

  “Eheheh. Well, he isn’t in a position where he can refuse, nor can he act happy about it. Don’t question him any further than that, Satsuki. You don’t mind then, Haruto?” Francois laughed heartily, covering for Rio’s response.

  “Right...” Rio didn’t bother to excuse himself further, nodding with his head down.

  “Then, it’s decided. Miharu and Haruto will stay in Satsuki’s quarters, but before that, Liselotte will join us for dinner.” Francois chuckled.

  “It would be my honor.” Liselotte smiled earnestly.

  “Now, Michel and I have official duties to attend to, so we will be excusing ourselves here. Charlotte will remain so that the five of you can talk together. Let us go, Michel. I entrust the rest to you, Charlotte,” Francois commanded, before departing quietly.

  “Leave it to me. I’ll make sure Miharu and the others feel welcome.” Charlotte smiled cutely, expressing her enthusiasm for her duty as a hostess.

  ◇ ◇ ◇

  After their meeting with the king, the four women and Rio continued their conversation.

  “Now that all the women are here, let’s have fun chatting.” Charlotte grinned as she looked around at everyone, speaking happily. The order of seating from the closest seat to the door of the room was Rio and Liselotte; across from them sat Charlotte, Miharu, and Satsuki.

  “If I’m intruding on your conversation, I can leave the room, being that I’m a man...” Rio seemed to feel a little uncomfortable. While he did live in the stone house surrounded by women, he wasn’t on very fri
endly terms with anyone in the room other than Miharu.

  “Why, we can’t have that. Father told the five of us to talk together,” Charlotte replied.

  “That is true. Then I shall humbly remain here and join in.”

  “There’s no need to be humble about it. I’m personally very interested in you, so I was hoping to talk to you more.” Charlotte peered up at Rio and batted her eyelashes. Any man unaccustomed to women would be justified in misunderstanding her attitude.

  “I am honored to hear that. In that case, I will gladly accompany you.” Rio took Charlotte’s words as some kind of lip service and brushed it off smoothly, accepting to sit in on the conversation with a more positive expression than before.

  “...Okay. Now, what shall we talk about? Perhaps it would be most appropriate to address what’s on everyone’s mind...” Charlotte looked about the room at everyone’s faces once again, then fixed a blank look on Miharu beside her and tilted her head, smiling in a friendly manner “Actually. I introduced myself to Sir Haruto, but I haven’t greeted Lady Miharu yet. My name is Charlotte Galarc, the second princess of this kingdom. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

  Miharu seemed to be rather nervous in front of her first princess. She bowed her head. “Y-Yes. I’m Miharu Ayase. It’s very nice to meet you, Your Highness.”

  “Why, there’s no need for so much formality. Both you and Lady Satsuki are from another world, which makes your existences close to saints. Even if I’m a princess, your status is no further from mine.” Charlotte placed a hand against her cheek, troubled. In reality, the reason why Charlotte was treating Miharu as an equal was less because she originated from the same world as Satsuki and more because she was a close friend of the hero. Of course, it wasn’t something she would voice aloud.

  “That’s not true — I’m just your average commoner,” Miharu replied humbly, denying her words as though they were outrageous.

  “Hehe, Lady Miharu seems to be a very modest person. Would you say she’s normally like this, Lady Satsuki?” Charlotte smiled elegantly and turned to the girl in question.

  “Well, she’s a very good girl. She has a nice personality, is good at cooking, works hard, and is smart; though she’s a little shy around boys, that’s what makes her so cute! In middle school, she was rumored to be the cutest girl in the school,” Satsuki said, listing all of Miharu’s good qualities with emphasis.